Wacker Nueson APT 6 S

Wacker Nueson APT 6 S

S$28,900 (SGD)



We have 2 brand new units of these 150mm or 6-inch high capacity de-watering pumps, capable of pumping nearly 60,000 litres an hour, these pumps are powered by a John Deere Turbocharged 73hp diesel engine. The pumps are self-priming and can handle 3-inch solids and have auto shutdown and startup system using floats, Coming on a skid and having integrated lifting eye and forklift pockets, they are simply to move on site0 Hours


ManufacturerWacker Nueson
ModelAPT 6 S
Stock NumberTRA-8468
EngineJohn Deere 4045TF290 Turbo Diesel Engine
PumpPumping Capacity 484.6 m/3 hour
DimensionsDimensions L 2.36m x W 1.11m x H 1.98m Shipping Weight 1583 kg
OthersFuel tank capacity 280.5 lt